Thursday, January 6, 2011

Imminent Emulation

For this post I was just gonna make a list of "style resolutions," but I found that to be a tad trite, and also I can't verbalize specific goals without sounding pathetic ("1.Confidence!" Be cool Lindsey, be cool!). So instead, I decided to round up a list of people whose auras I would like to osmosis into myself in the coming year.  For your viewing pleasure (Katie, since you demanded I dedicate a post to you--"How did Chandler get in your blogosphere?" Our valedictorian, ladies and gentlemen...) my 2011 icons, style-specific or otherwise:

Jade and Alexander,
Image via
1. Jade and Alexander from Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros: Awesome, modern+folksy+gallivanting band, even awesome-r lead singers.  Jade has a gamine-thrifty thing goin' on, and Alex Ebert is just so hippie-fine (Yes, I would love to go to Woodstock with you, sir...) I'm gonna look for seventies-style tunics for spring in their honor.

2. The Man Repeller: My favorite web discovery since Who What Wear Daily, the Man Repeller is winningly witty, sassily sartorial, utterly unapologetic, and hopefully a fan of alliteration (Man Repeller, can we be best frands?).  Because of her, now, when I get home from yet another night of buying my own drinks, I can tell myself it's because I'm wearing a ratty tank with an art-deco eagle on it and multiple scarves (preservation of self-esteem, check!).  To emulate her in the premier year of this new decade, I will care not what the less-fair species thinks of my outfits.  Get ready for many a pair of high-waisted shorts and excessive use of my tan leather biker vest. 
Olivier Zahm, image via

3. Olivier Zahm: One of the head honchos at Purple magazine and the sister blog Purple Diary, Zahm is an awesome photographer, esp. in black and white, and a fashion industry uber-insider.  He also may be a bit of a dirty dog when it comes to the ladies, but hey, I guess the mystery behind those sunglasses really gets ya.  I am most probably incapable of seeming untouchingly cool (I doubt he shoots Harry Potter spells in his spare time) , but I have aviators and a leather jacket, so...I'll try my best.

4. Cleopatra: The original feminist and a grade-A badass.  I'm a classical history junkie, but seriously, I don't know who wouldn't find her fascinating and iconic.  When she sailed down the Nile River to greet her peasant populace, her float was literally draped with gold.  I'm sure her arms were super toned from the weight of all her bangles.  I'm tryin' to be gilded from wrist to elbow this year, even in these next few chilly months.  I'm sure the pharoah-ess (?) would concur when I say I disagree with that old adage; If something glitters on me, it had better be gold.  

Mila Kunis, image via
5. Mila Kunis's character in Black Swan: One word: swaggerrrrr.  She has a B.A. tat on her back (this is just  pipe dream of mine, my parents would disown me) and she just seems really chill, especially compared to Natalie Portman's big ol' bucket o' crazy.  I feel like she'd go for black skinny jeans with a sheer tank and lots of gunmetal jewelry.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Yuletide Loot

Me 'n ma belle copine.
Merry near-New Year's, blogosphere (a.k.a. Chandler, who I'm making read this).   Aside from the fact that I got to spend a whole week drinking Bloody Marys and reading Jonathan Franzen's Freedom,  the Christmas circus was especially satisfying this year because I came out of it with a few key pieces that can be endlessly worked into my winter wardrobe.  Exhibit A: a fur vest, which is something I've been drooling over but couldn't find an economically feasible option until I found this one at a Gap Outlet.  $37.99's worth of fake coyote fur, which I plan to wear everywhere even though my brothers kept yipping at me (for those who aren't as redneck as we are, you call a coyote bark a yip.).
          I wore it with a cheap silk Forever21 tank, a Gap sweater, and a neat'o brassy necklace from Nordstrom's that has scaly-like links, which are handy when I'm nervous and need something to fiddle with.  Of course, the fur vest already indulged my tactile nature.
Another pearl picked out by moi and dropped off by Saint Nick is this black blazer, $29.99 from Mossimo for Target.  I wore it to a festive gathering with the lapels and collar folded up and inwards.  I also wore a pretty plum deep-V tank from Gap and jewelry of a forgotten origin.  I'm pretty excited to wear the fur vest under the blazer, just to give a little furry hello from under the business-casual outerwear.